Sunday, June 7, 2009

get in line

Maybe I have a knack for making it seem like my work is easy. So much so that some people make the mistake of thinking that my work is easy. I say this because when I left my previous job, they had to chop up my workload and gave it to three people. They even had to hire someone with a higher salary than what I had enjoyed. Unfortunately, that person didn’t last long and now I hear the replacement is also about to leave as well. That must say something about my ability to adapt, don’t you think? Considering that I lasted almost four years in a job that apparently most people can only stand for half a year (on average).

I don’t like to throw my weight around. By this I mean that I don’t depend on my position to get others to do what I want of them. I influence them with reason and logic, and as much as possible I try to motivate and inspire them to do their job willingly and on their own by reminding them of the pride that comes from a job well done and the satisfaction of knowing that you contributed to the success of something bigger than yourself.

Sometimes, others see this as a weakness. They think that I am not willing, nor even, capable of doing whatever is necessary to get the job done. What they do not realize is that when I am hesitant to do something, it is not because I cannot do it, but because I am not yet convinced that it is the one and only move necessary for getting the job done.

So forgive me for not bowing to your every whim; for not agreeing to your methods or opinions; for having a mind and will of my own. I give you the benefit of both. And do not think that this is a bad thing. Do not mistake that I do this for your pleasure. I do what I do because I believe in the whole of it, that this venture has value. If you cannot grasp this, then so be it. So long as I believe I am doing my part, I will stay. But when the time comes that even this is taken from me, when I no longer believe in my purpose, then that is the time we will part.

But until then… leave me be.

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